Thursday, October 11, 2012

Memories of a Little Girl

Ok so I have decided life moves WAY too fast! I remember when I was a little girl the hours felt like days and the days felt like years. As I get older, time flies faster and faster. Sometimes I wish I could slow time down so I could enjoy things longer. That is one of the oh so many reasons why I love photography so much! Pictures capture moments and feelings of life forever! When I look at some of my older pictures, I not only remember that moment in specific, but I feel like I can relive it all over again. So much has happened since the beginning of the year! Switched boyfriends a couple of times and went on way too many dates, hence why I believe I shall forever be single haha. Oh well... I don't regret any of the mistakes I have made. They have made me stronger and I know they have made me a better person from inside and out. After the summer break I changed my major from Neuroscience to International Relations, because while visiting my parents in Spain I realized that my dreams and goals had changed. I came to the conclusion that I loved the medical field and that it will forever be part of me, because I am a Medical Assistant after all haha, but I don't want to become a doctor anymore. I just didn't see it working out in my future anymore. I speak almost 4 languages and love being around people. International Relations is my dream! Since the beginning of the fall semester I have discovered a love for economics and that is kind of weird, because it is not an easy subject. Econ just totally makes sense in my head! Yes I shall forever be a nerd that loves math and the smell of rain lol. So far I have done 3 pageants and seen that I can achieve anything I set my mind to. The whole pageant/model world is a totally different story than what I had expected, but I am grateful I have learned so many new things. I have made so many cool new friends and become a so much more passionate woman. I am proud of my latin/european culture. I feel more secure of myself and capable of anything and everything!! This summer I not only got to visit my beautiful parents in Spain, but I also was blessed with the amazing opportunity to go see my grandparents in Holland. The last time I saw them was when I was 16, so it was amazing to talk to them after 6 year. Love my opa and oma! They are both such an amazing example to me and I am so happy they are both still alive. After I got home from Spain I was given the opportunity to go to Fiji for a week with the Porter girls (Alyson and Connie. Love them!). If you have never been to Fiji, I totally recommend it. That place changed my life in so many ways! I fell in love with the people and the culture. Not to even mention the beautiful beaches and amazing food! We got to help some villagers by building water supplies. It was amazing to see how hard working and humble those people are. I was able to forget about my own problems 100% and focus on serving others. Anyways... It is almost halloween again. No idea what I am dressing up as, but I will figure it out lol. Got to celebrate canadian thanksgiving and listen to conference last weekend. Can't believe girls can go on a mission when they are 19 now. Crazy!! So happy to have the gospel in my life! Don't know where I would be without it to be honest. I love my family and miss them so much! Can't wait to see them in December! Always remember that life is not easy, but it sure is beautiful! Totally worth living, so enjoy every second of it!